Tourist Attractions in Bandung Must Visit

Tourist Attractions in Bandung Must Visit

Since long time ago, Bandung has been known as a city that has many tourist attractions. Its location is surrounded by mountains and cool air, making it has many beautiful and charming tourist areas.
Not only natural attractions, Bandung and surrounding areas also have cultural tourism attractions and carry a variety of unique tourism concepts in various entertainment venues and culinary attractions combined with natural scenery.

Of course, this unique tourism concept can encourage you to find out more about the various tourist attractions in Bandung that are offered. Now it's time to invite you to explore the various uniqueness, read the full review of recommended tourist attractions in Bandung that must be visited below.

1. Kawah Putih Ciwidey (White Crater)

It feels incomplete if you go to Ciwidey but don't stop by Kawah Putih (White Crater). It feels, Bandung is also famous for its White Crater, right? Now, at 44 km from Bandung, you can find Ciwidey White Crater, precisely in Rancabali. With an enchanting view, white-green lake water combined with white limestone is a soothing treat.

According to the story, the White Crater is a place where ancestral spirits gather. In fact, one of the peaks is also believed to be the meeting place of the ancestors you know. Cool? There is also a magical story in this place, where some local people see white-haired sheep here. According to them, the sheep are ancestral incarnations. Are you more curious and want to come to the Ciwidey white crater immediately? 15,000 Rupiah ready per person for the entrance ticket, ok? And also 15,000 Rupiah for parking four-wheeled vehicles.

2. Farm House - Lembang
Farm House Lembang is a tourist attraction that can be considered new. However, this attraction directly suck up a lot of tourists and is never empty by visitors. Apart from being strategically located, this region also presents a distinct European tourist feel. All of that is applied in the form of Instagramable spot selfies.

3. The Lodge Maribaya
The Maribaya Lodge, located in Cibodas Lembang, is really clean and verdant due to the atmosphere of the pine trees that grow there. The location of tourist attractions in Bandung is surrounded by beautiful mountains, forests and valleys with a foreign-style atmosphere.

The Lodge is now a favorite location so you shouldn't miss when visiting the Lembang area. In this tourist spot you can enjoy the beauty and the cool air, far from pollution. You can also take selfies at the Tree House and Mountain Swing.

In this tourist spot in Bandung, visitors can do many things, ranging from horse riding, adventures for children, painting, biking, feeding rabbits, to outbound activities.

4. Sukawana Tea Plantation

5. Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

Tangkuban Perahu Mountain is one of the famous tourist sites in Indonesia. Located in the Lembang area, about 20 kilometers north of Bandung.

The mountain is shaped like a boat upside down, has two famous craters, Kawah Ratu (the biggest crater) and Domas Crater which has very hot sulfur content from one of its springs.

6. Pinisi Resto & Glamping Likeside Ciwidey

Pinisi Resto & Glamping Likeside at Rancabali Ciwidey is one of the attractions in South Bandung. With a large boat-shaped restaurant icon on the side Patenggang makes the arrangement so beautiful and cool.
We can enjoy eating and drinking up to stay overnight. And also visit the spot walking across the pontoon bridge in the middle of the lake and so on.

7. Curug Tilu Leuwi Opat Lembang

Do you want light trekking in Lembang? You can visit Curug Tilu Leuwi Opat, which is located in the area of Parongpong Lembang, not far from Dusun Bambu and Curug Cimahi.

To be able to get to the location, you have to walk along the tracks that are available in less than 30 minutes. But there are many good spots for selfies. The atmosphere is very green and cool.

8. Curug Cimahi (Cimahi Waterfall)

Cimahi waterfall is one of the alternative tourist attractions in Bandung, many people do not know this waterfall. The atmosphere in Curug Cimahi is so natural and well organized, you can enjoy high waterfalls with clear water. Even at night, this waterfall is lit with colorful lights so it looks like a rainbow. It is very beautiful.

9. Maribaya Resort

10. Peak Of The Star

Puncak Bintang Bandung is located not far from downtown Bandung. In this place, you can enjoy the fresh natural atmosphere and views of the city from the top of the peak.

11. Dusun Bambu Lembang

Dusun Bambu is a tourist destination that is very suitable for families. In this place there are various game areas, restaurants, cafes and food court with various culinary choices, flower gardens, villas and glamping.

12. Situ Patenggang
If departing from the city of Bandung, then you are at least around 47 km from the tourist attractions in Ciwidey. Situ Patenggang is located in the south of Bandung, this place is a tourist spot that presents the beauty of a beautiful lake. Here you can enjoy the view by boat. To rent a boat, you have to spend approximately 150,000 to 250,000 Rupiah, depending on the capacity of the boat you want.

Tours like this are suitable for you who bring a group of family or friends because Situ Patenggang turns out to be the most favorite tourist destination for groups.

13. Tebing Keraton ( Keraton Cliff )
Keraton cliff located in Forest Park or Tahura Ir. Juanda in the Dago Pakar area presents a very spectacular view. Many tourists visit tourist attractions in Bandung that are being hit to take pictures and enjoy the beauty of the Forest Park and its fresh air.

You can also see a row of hills that look up from a distance. The green nature of Taman Hutan Raya and the calm atmosphere of the natural surroundings can make you momentarily detached from your daily routine.

The location that was once the most phenomenal tourist spot in 2015 was even dubbed as an exotic Instagram cliff. Located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level, just before sunrise and sunset this place will be so exotic and very romantic.

If the sky is clear, visitors can also enjoy the morning sun that appears among the foggy clouds. Likewise, when the sun sets, the evening sky above Cliffs of the Palace will be decorated with a golden color. The tourists will usually take the time to take pictures with the background of natural beauty when both moments take place.

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