Enchantment of Bunaken National Park North Sulawesi

North Sulawesi Province has a very famous tourist attraction, it is located near the capital of the Province in Manado, namely the North Sulawesi Bunaken Marine Park tour. This tourism object is very well known to the whole world and even has become one of the most beautiful marine parks in the world. The location of the tourist attraction is in the triangle of coral reefs, where the location is a habitat for dozens of species of coral reefs, and is inhabited by various types of fish and marine life. The total area reaches 9 kilometers, is still included in the Manado regional government area.

For theXplorerID who have a hobby of diving, this place is very suitable if Manado tourism is included in the holiday agenda. Because the beauty of the panorama of Bunaken's sea bolts is undoubtedly one of the best natural beauty in the archipelago. There are 5 islands included in the national park namely Naen, Mantehage, Bunaken, Siladen, Manado Tua islands and other island children.

In Manado's Bunaken National Park there are at least 13 types of coral reefs rising vertically down to depths reaching 25 to 50 meters. Not only the shape of exotic coral reefs, but the presence of beautiful fish that there are around 90 species around the coral reefs, it's no wonder that Bunaken tourism is able to attract domestic tourists to foreign tourists. Besides that, Bunaken's beaches consist of beautiful white sandy mangrove forests.

According to the tour manager, that Bunaken's marine tourism has no off seasons. It means tourists can visit there at any time, but it is advisable to travel there around May to August, yes, because in those months my friend can see the sea water looks very clear and quite warm with temperatures of 26 to 31 Celsius.

For those of you who want to dive, then there are 40 dive spots namely 1, 2, 3, 4, Tanjung Parigi, Fukui, Mandolin, church face, barracuda peak, siladen, coffee cape, Manado ship wreck and many diving spots. others with varying depths. But about 20 potential points that can be used as the best dive sites in Bunaken, where each point has an exotic panorama and a variety of marine life in it.

Actually, a tourist attraction has long been inaugurated, namely from 1975. You could say the marine tourism park is located in a remote place.

Around the 1970's it was still thick with magical elements and myths of ghost stories. Moreover, some time before the divers were about to dive, a fisherman died. Since it was because of that incident that it was connected with the story to develop all circles.

But the divers did not necessarily just believe the ghost story. They continued to dive and finally found paradise under the sea. Divers finally share their experiences with the community and local government. In collaboration with the government, then become a tour of the Bunaken national park.

Bunaken natural tourism object in Manado is not just an underwater tour, yes there are some beautiful islands that can be visited, enjoy Bajo tribe cultural tourism, for you lovers of nature conservation birds, then you can visit Tangkoko, two siblings of Nature, to all of them still in one Bunaken tourist area.

Bunaken Marine Park Location

Administratively the Bunaken Sea tourism park is on the beach of Liang, Wori, North Sulawesi. The distance from Manado's marine tourism from the port of Manado is approximately 7 miles or it can be taken in about 1 hour drive when using a twin-engine motorboat or when using a speed boat even faster which is only 35 minutes.
Because the tourist attraction is in the Manado national park area, so my friend can visit the area by plane to get to the City of Menado first. Then from the location of Sam Ratulangi International Airport the journey continues back to the city of Manado using public transportation such as taxis. After that from the city of Manado to the port of Blue Banter. Take a boat to Bunaken Island.

Ticket prices for Bunaken National Park

According to info from the Head of the Bunaken BTN Manado Resort, the entrance fee is divided into two groups namely for local and foreign tourists. So the ticket for local tourists is around Rp. 5,000 alone, while the entry ticket is for foreign tourists Rp. 150,000 per person. If you want to rent snorkeling equipment, the local residents rent it out, which is Rp. 150,000 per hour, and guided by the community.

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