Enchantment of the Beauty of the Lake Legend Lake Toba

Lake Toba tourism is the most famous lake tourism in Indonesia. Besides having stunning natural beauty, Lake Toba also keeps a legendary story that we must know as Indonesians. Lake Toba nature tourism is one of the lakes that stores a lot of natural wealth. Until now the beauty of Lake Toba is not inferior to other natural scenery.

Until now and now many local and foreign tourists have visited Lake Toba. Behind the panoramic view of the beauty of Lake Toba is tucked a fairytale of the archipelago. The story of Lake Toba starts from a valley in North Sumatra with the main actor being the hard-working farmer and the magical fish princess.

Story of Lake Toba

According to information from geologists that the crater of Lake Toba was formed due to a volcanic eruption of a super volcanic type that occurred around 77,000 years ago. Even the eruption was classified as a terrible one when compared with other volcanic eruptions, it is believed that the explosion reached thousands of eruptions on normal volcanoes. The impact also affected the climate throughout the world at that time.

The legendary story of Lake Toba has spread and is known to all parts of Indonesia. At present Lake Toba is the most popular tourist attraction in Indonesia, because this beautiful and vast lake has a very beautiful and exotic view. The uniqueness of Lake Toba is that there is an island located in the middle of this lake, this island called Samosir Island. A Lake Toba tourist destination that teaches us a meaning of life. There are several good reasons why you need to visit the natural attractions of Lake Toba.

Natural Beauty and Peace of Atmosphere
For Xplorer who want to spend a long vacation or even just a weekend holiday, the natural tourism of Lake Toba is a very appropriate tourist recommendation. Because you can enjoy the beauty of nature while relaxing and resting temporarily from the tired world of work and tiring social interaction. This kind of peace, you only get from Lake Toba.

Cool Natural Air
In addition to stunning natural scenery, in Lake Toba tour you will also feel the natural air that is cool and refreshing. That way you do not need to go far away recreation abroad if only looking for the atmosphere or even the cool natural air, the air around the natural attractions of Lake Toba is not inferior to Europe.
Panorama of Nature
If you really want to take a vacation to forget for a moment the problem of work in the office, then the natural attractions of Lake Toba provide an unforgettable sensation. There you will find panoramic views of natural beauty such as lakes, islands in the middle of the lake and also beautiful hillside slopes.

Just information, that the area of ​​Lake Toba alone reaches twice the size of the country of Singapore. The location is at the top of a gigantic volcano that has been active around 75,000 years ago and becomes a beautiful natural panorama. Not to mention, there are rows of mountains surrounding it, as well as a procession of clouds that adorn it. Making this Lake Toba increasingly amazing.

Lake Toba people

At Lake Toba, visitors not only see a panoramic view of natural beauty but you will also find a friendly and friendly Toba community. The traditions of the Toba Batak people will make you fall in love, you can explore or just know the traditions there from some native Samosir people.

Seen a vast expanse of lake legend in North Sumatra is indeed not the same as a lake in general, this lake resembles an enchanting blue sea. Therefore, in the end Lake Toba was made as the largest and largest lake in Southeast Asia and became the second largest lake after Lake Victoria in Africa, for Lake Toba's depth became the deepest lake in the world which according to administrative depth is up to 450 meters, while for 100 kilometers long and 30 meters wide.

Tourists generally travel there to do various fun activities such as mountain climbing, sailing touring Lake Toba by using a sailboat, swimming, and visiting the island of Samosir, North Sumatra. Being in the tourist location of the lake in North Sumatra will not feel boredom, the article of the lake presents amazing natural beauty, especially the natural beauty that tourists get when visiting the island of Samosir which is located right in the middle of the lake.

Although it has long been opened to the public to become a tourist destination in North Sumatra, Samosir Island is always maintained by its natural beauty which is still rarely touched by humans. The area of ​​Samosir Island is almost the same as the area of ​​neighboring country, Singapore. Samosir Island is mostly inhabited by the Samosir Batak tribe.

Samosir Island has two beautiful lakes known as Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang. In the area around the lake on the island of Samosir there are pine forests neatly arranged on the edge of the island. Not only that, there are also panoramic waterfalls that are still beautiful. Even now on the tourist outskirts of Lake Toba there are hot springs with sulfur water which is said to be good for healing and nourishing the skin.

Location of Lake Toba Sumatra

The location of Lake Toba is in seven different districts that surround the tourist area, namely Tobasa (Toba Samosir), Samosir Regency, Simalungun Regency, Dairi Regency, North Tapanuli Regency, Karo Regency and Humbang Hasundutan Regency.

Since it's only been opened at Silangit airport recently, you can easily access Lake Toba. Because airlines Sriwijaya Air and Garuda Indonesia have opened new routes directly from Jakarta to Silangit airport located in the Siborong Borong sub-district. From Silangit airport you only need about 1 hour to get to Parapat and you will arrive at the natural tourism of Lake Toba.

If you want to visit Lake Toba using an airplane as a means of transportation, you only need to prepare a fee of approximately Rp. 1,7800,000, using the Garuda Indonesia airline. From Silangit airport to Parapat you need to rent a car or taxi with a price range of 350,000 rupiah that can accommodate 4 to 5 people.

However, it seems incomplete if you don't visit Samosir Island while visiting Lake Toba. To go to Samosir Island, you need to rent a ferry. The crossing trip takes approximately 30 to 50 minutes. Also find out the time to leave the ferry from Parapat to the island of Samosir, so as not to miss.

That is roughly a little information from the author about Lake Toba tourism hopefully can be useful for all at the time of Lake Toba tourism. If you do not understand the conditions in the area, then you should hire a professional tour guide who will guide your tour, so the trip will be more fun and there are no obstacles.

Final words from the authors, thank you.

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